The first task was taking pictures of the old one, including all connectors. I wanted to mark on the new one exactly what went where before I disconnected anything. A number of photographs, blue tape, and a Sharpie made it an easy, if long.

Here's a nasty reminder of what I was trying to improve. The stuff on the fair left is the new electric fan relay. The junk in the middle is standard fair--cracked, unprotected, poorly organized/routed, and potentially dangerous.

This is what I did to the new harness as I disconnected the hold. I marked each extension and measured to see roughly where the "branches" should shoot off from the "main trunk" of the harness, if that makes sense. A significant amount of my zip-ties from the initial clean up job had to go away to allow for more efficient routing of the offshoots, but that wasn't a big deal.
I started with the bulkhead connection and the wound it back behind the engine along the firewall (there are a pair of mounting points made for zipties back there).

I wanted to keep it off of the valve covers and the intake manifold, basically the main heat sources on top of the engine. I then routed it around towards the passenger fender where the starter relay is. The main harness branches off there to go to the coil, carb, AC, and distributor. I took the time, as well, to clean up the wiring for the electric cooling fan. It's not great, but the wires will be kept together and are less like to fray this way.

I kept as much of the wiring bundled there as I could to keep the area clean. All done...