Here's the old one.
And the new one.
I also added a glass/clear fuel filter between the fuel pump and the carb so that I can tell if a starting problem is at all related to not enough (or no fuel at all) getting to the carb or possibly fuel pump failure/under-performance. You'll notice, as well, that I retained the stock filter (the mini-beer keg on the left in the photo at right). It has a return line that is key for avoiding excess fuel flooding the carb. I think it also has some control over vapor lock, but I'm not positive on that.
I also added one before the fuel filter down below. I took a tip from someone on to cover the lower glass filter in insulation and zip-ties to keep it protected from flying debris. Again, this will allow me to see fuel flow issues that occur before the pump. Needless to say, with three fuel filters now instead of one, the fuel will be mighty clean in the engine.
While I was at it, I replaced the rubber fuel lines in the engine bay and below to get rid of some dry/cracking lines that were a potential fire hazard.